Designing a Game


My game:

I really enjoyed creating a game. I’ve found myself doing a lot of virtual, interactive projects lately, both for classes and for work. This one was refreshing because it was the simplest and most fun. The ones for work are fun but obviously more restricted in content. For this assignment I could just do whatever I wanted.

I used Sploder because it seemed like it would be the easiest to get the hang of so I could make something more complicated since the making of the game itself was less complicated. I’ve done a bit of coding, in high school and my freshman year at UMW, being a senior now I’ve forgotten most of it. That is the main reason I didn’t choose any of the coding sites. Sploder also just seemed fun. It had a cool, classic video game look that made it more fun to use.

I chose the “algorithm crew” because I enjoy puzzles so it seemed like it would be the most fun. I spent a few minutes learning what the parts of the game were and then started playing around with the layout. It took a bit of trial and error to make sure it wasn’t too easy but wasn’t too hard either. I also wanted to make sure that objects weren’t in the way and that the obstacles worked but not so well you couldn’t win. I made the goal of the game rescuing a scientist, hence the name “Rescue Dr. Smith”. It was fun to make and I enjoyed playing it to test it.

I hope you all enjoy it too!



Emilia Michalkiewicz
Emilia Michalkiewicz

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